Ask before cancelling.
David Clough
I've been burned several times in the past by inadvertently hitting "cancel" instead of "save" when creating the Scope of Work. It would be extremely helpful if you guys could add the typical "Are you sure you want to cancel?" second layer message before it actually cancelled all of the information you just spent an extensive amount of time entering. Thanks.
Jane Grant
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Marcus Lawson
You may play a wide range of games. There are games made just for kids, and there are games made for adults. In any event, having fun while playing games is a great pastime.
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Moore Ben
There are many varieties of games that you can play. Some games are intended for children, while others are more suited for adults. In any case, playing games is an enjoyable activity to engage in. It can help you relieve stress and increase your concentration. Playing games can also help you improve your skills. For example, if you’re a beginner at golf, playing can help you improve your metal health.
Matt Rogers
Seth: when is v19 coming?
Matt Rogers: We began rolling it out last Thursday, will continue throttled release through this week. Webinar is tomorrow: